awatif_pk: hello

raine_chaser: hi there
raine_chaser: how are you?

awatif_pk: heppey new year

raine_chaser: it's getting heppeyer by the minute

awatif_pk: kwhat do u do
awatif_pk: tell me your name

raine_chaser: i am a graphic designer, my name is natasha

awatif_pk: pls

awatif_pk: BUZZ!

raine_chaser: why are you buzzing me?

awatif_pk: hoo:x
awatif_pk: ok

raine_chaser: ok what?

awatif_pk: pls tell me urdo

raine_chaser: urdo.
raine_chaser: (man, you're easy to please)
raine_chaser: i have an idea, why don't you say something that makes sense
raine_chaser: or you could just say nothing.

awatif_pk: hello

raine_chaser: well hello there.

awatif_pk: yaar sorry mera net barbar dc horatha
awatif_pk: sorry

raine_chaser: uh... i forgive you, i think...

awatif_pk: acha tum bata ho tum hari hobbey keya hey
awatif_pk: ok
awatif_pk: keya tum urdu main baat karsakti ho ya nahi ?

raine_chaser: i agree.

awatif_pk: keya yaar aghar tum urdu main baaat karsakthi ho to tum aapney barey main bata ho
awatif_pk: key tum aaj kal keya karahi ho

raine_chaser: did you learn about context clues in school?
raine_chaser: they might come in handy right now.
raine_chaser: for instance, you could assume from the fact that I am speaking english, that I SPEAK ENGLISH, NOT INDIAN
raine_chaser: YOU IDIOT

awatif_pk: ok soory friend I-)bye=;

raine_chaser: i didnt mean you had to leave, i just meant that you need to stop speaking weird languanges.
raine_chaser: or is that too much to ask from you?

awatif_pk: keya tum mari baat samaj rahi ho urdu main

raine_chaser: apparently so

awatif_pk: ?

raine_chaser: okay, let's try this again: i only speak english.

awatif_pk: keya tum mujhey english sekaho gi

raine_chaser: so if you want to speak to me, you need to ALSO speak english

awatif_pk: are u there
awatif_pk: pls teel me my ansar

raine_chaser: on second thought, maybe the non-english was better. at least then i didn't know what a wrong-ass you were
raine_chaser: you have to ask me a "kweschun" before i can "ansar"

awatif_pk: ok
awatif_pk: thx

raine_chaser: i am thoroughly confused.
awatif_pk: tum harey father keya kar they hey " is ki kaya english ho gi
awatif_pk: ?

raine_chaser: my father is not hairy!
raine_chaser: you insensitive clod
raine_chaser: what friggin' language are you speaking, anyway?

awatif_pk: keya tum harey fother aab nahi rehey ?

raine_chaser: no, listen. rewording the question is not going to help when you are speaking a language i don't understand.

awatif_pk: acha

raine_chaser: *sigh*

awatif_pk: ok friend soory your destab ok nich chat with u ok tomaroo camming

raine_chaser: i'm going to destab you, bucko.


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