jakes1965: hello there

si7ren: hiya...

jakes1965: age?

si7ren: 21

jakes1965: cool

si7ren: what age is NOT cool?

jakes1965: any big new years plans?

si7ren: not "big" ones...just going to see some bands and get pleasantly plastered

jakes1965: lol...I am going to a rave

si7ren: oooh...
si7ren: were you born in 1965?

jakes1965: yes

si7ren: see what a good guesser i am...?

jakes1965: lol...and you are still talking to me

si7ren: i'm not a rave fan...my ex roommate blasted rave-afied music at about 293847398743 decibels at all hours...i have a definite aversion to rave music...

jakes1965: well...this is a fetish theme so you have to come in either rubber, latex, vinyl, etc.

si7ren: oh....that's different...they probably don't make those giant pants in latex...

jakes1965: no...it is a sex theme...

si7ren: i got it...i was making a joke...

jakes1965: lol..oh

si7ren: or something...
si7ren: http://www2.50megs.com/eville

jakes1965: well...I hope there are some available females to kiss

si7ren: that's me and my friend's page...we're trying to get lots of hits...*hint*

jakes1965: looking at it now

si7ren: heh...if luck's not on your side...you'll walk in and you'll just see a bunch of horny guys looking confused...

jakes1965: no..we went to the same one halloween and there was so many women

si7ren: joke, again...tsk...

jakes1965: question?

si7ren: yes?

jakes1965: if you were going with me, what would you wear?

si7ren: oh jeez...a chicken suit. *rolls eyes*

jakes1965: really?

si7ren: um... YES.

jakes1965: sexy chicken suit?

si7ren: no...just a regular one

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