Bipdi: here is one idot saying hello to u !

raine_chaser: oh goodie. i love idots.

bipdi: u can never find a better one :D

raine_chaser: i have no doubt

bipdi: the best u have ever seen is here

raine_chaser: i continue to have no doubt

bipdi: the inteligent one among us has got a name?

raine_chaser: i don't see why they wouldn't

bipdi: Bipin this is my name so u mean to say i am the inteligent one :D

raine_chaser: Bipin, from the Latin word bipus meaning "the inteligent one"

bipdi: u r try to prove that i am an idiot

raine_chaser: you're doing a fine job on your own.

bipdi: :D ;)

raine_chaser: Keep smiling. everyone likes a moron.

bipdi: just to prove that u r clever

raine_chaser: yeah, that sounds about right.

bipdi: so it is
bipdi: need to sleep bye
bipdi: it was nice talking to u
bipdi: take care bye

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