dipu_m25: hi

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

dipu_m25: hi
dipu_m25: wanna talk to me in mic

sister_soleil: what?

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

dipu_m25: have u got ajob
dipu_m25: r u forgotten me
dipu_m25: Download the latest version of Yahoo! Messenger at http://messenger.yahoo.com/

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

sister_soleil: i have the latest version of yahoo, but thanks...

dipu_m25: why u r not responding to u rfriend
dipu_m25: if u really don't want to talk to me then plz tell me
dipu_m25: so that i won't disturb u?
dipu_m25: congrates u have got a graphic desiners job also u have changed u r photograph in u r profile

sister_soleil: haven't we been through this many times before?

dipu_m25: previously u have a photo graph with some pop/rock star
dipu_m25: is not it
dipu_m25: u told me this also some months before

sister_soleil: yeah, i'm aware of that

dipu_m25: i think u forgotten everything
dipu_m25: then why u r not responding to me
dipu_m25: i told u if u r really not intrested to have friendship with me then plz tell

sister_soleil: will you wait just a second?! Jesus!
sister_soleil: You are so impatient

dipu_m25: o.k

sister_soleil: okay. now you listen to me. i am busy doing lots of things. i do not want to voice chat.

dipu_m25: u can chat with me /not
dipu_m25: it is not neccessary to make v. chart

sister_soleil: i wasnt planning on making any charts

dipu_m25: r u intrested for talking to me or not
dipu_m25: then what is u r plan

sister_soleil: i dont have a plan. i'm just here.

dipu_m25: just tell me yes/no
dipu_m25: i have tried a lot before but u never responding

sister_soleil: yes/no what? i'm responding right now, dillweed!

dipu_m25: friends means with whom u can share u r good times as well as sorrow times too

sister_soleil: what is this "friend" you speak of? I have never heard of this concept.

dipu_m25: u don't have any friend

sister_soleil: that was mean!
sister_soleil: what did i ever do to you?!

dipu_m25: no

sister_soleil: um...
sister_soleil: i get the feeling we're not on the same wavelength here...
sister_soleil: maybe we should quit while we're ahead and end this conversation immediately

dipu_m25: afterward when ever u r on line i have tried to know about u but u even won't respond to me
dipu_m25: last tine when u talk to me at that time u r in search of a job
dipu_m25: i did not mean that i never make friendship with u for profit
dipu_m25: what u will tell if u try for 2/3 months to talk with u r friend but he/she will not respond u
dipu_m25: wheather u wnt to stop todays talking here /not to make contact with u any time afterwards BUZZ!!!

sister_soleil: riiiight. okay, i dont understand a single thing you just said.

dipu_m25: i told u that what u told in u r last before massage i could not understood
dipu_m25: can u tell clearly

sister_soleil: could not understood! i understood that part.
sister_soleil: you and me both, pal

dipu_m25: pal means

sister_soleil: pal is american for "friend"
sister_soleil: (of which i have none, according to you)

dipu_m25: no don't think like that
dipu_m25: un knowingly i think i hurt u
dipu_m25: if so i am soorry my good friend

sister_soleil: yeah, you should really be more careful about that

dipu_m25: i will

sister_soleil: see that you do

dipu_m25: but when i felt that someone is avoiding me about whom i cares a lot i get angry
dipu_m25: that is the one demerit i have

sister_soleil: Once i got a demerit at girl scout camp.

dipu_m25: plz whenever i will do that type of mistake plz tell me
dipu_m25: as a friend i think u will tell me freely

sister_soleil: yeah. i'll make a note of it

dipu_m25: if anytime i will do any mistake plz tell me
dipu_m25: don't keep it with u
dipu_m25: o.k

sister_soleil: you're making the mistake of babbling about a bunch of dumb shit while i'm trying to do other things

dipu_m25: babbling about a bunch of dumb things means ??

sister_soleil: i think someone slept through the majority of his elementary school education

dipu_m25: what do u want to tell just tell in simple words
dipu_m25: not in a twisting way

sister_soleil: i - am - busy - right - now

dipu_m25: u can tell it freely why u r telling some lengthy way

sister_soleil: how much more simple can "i am busy right now" get?
sister_soleil: if you can't drive 55, get off the highway

dipu_m25: i know

sister_soleil: (oh jesus. i'm laughing so hard i'm actually crying)

dipu_m25: i think u r telling little bit more
dipu_m25: and cry a liitle bit more
dipu_m25: don't cry i am not available there

sister_soleil: okay listen. this is really fun. but I have to go now.

dipu_m25: i know
dipu_m25: thats why i told u that i am not there

sister_soleil: okay. bye then.

dipu_m25: bye and take care
dipu_m25: see u some otherday


the following day...

dipu_m25: hi

sister_soleil: you again?!

dipu_m25: any problem for u?

sister_soleil: in regards to what?
sister_soleil: you harassing me for the second night in a row? YES i have a problem

dipu_m25: o.k sorry .if by doing so i am harassing u then i don't disturb u again

sister_soleil: yeah, yeah. i've heard that one before...

dipu_m25: o.k

sister_soleil: see that right there? there's you disturbing me again!

dipu_m25: i promise i never pm u whenever u r on line until u first pm me

sister_soleil: dont hold your breath

dipu_m25: sorry to disturb u
dipu_m25: bye

offline message sent after I logged off...

dipu_m25 (Sat 03/02/02 09:43:19 PM): if u really don't want to talk to me /u won't wan't to be my friend then plz when ever u will log-on plz tell me/send me a massage

a few weeks later, I started getting messages from this guy's sister, but I didn't realize at the time who it was. (You can read that conversation here.) Two days after the sister harassed me, he came back to talk to me himself, despite his claims that he would never bother me again:

dipu_m25: hello
dipu_m25: i am soory for my sisters deed

sister_soleil: *groan* what the hell do you want?!?!

dipu_m25: i just tod her but she told u some thing wrong
dipu_m25: i don't want to disturb u
dipu_m25: if she don't told anything to u i must not disturb u
dipu_m25: bye
dipu_m25: may god bless u.wish u will always happy

sister_soleil: i thought you said like a long time ago that you were NOT going to disturb me anymore!
sister_soleil: you said that like 3 conversations ago, yet you CONTINUE to disturb me.

dipu_m25: o.k bye
dipu_m25: and take care
dipu_m25: good day to u

sister_soleil: stop talking!

dipu_m25: o.k
dipu_m25: bye

sister_soleil: dammit, you dont understand very well, do you? dont say anything else! ever!

dipu_m25: r u threatning me

sister_soleil: RARRRR! I am now!
sister_soleil: you totally hardheaded freak of nature, stop sending me messages before i kill you!

dipu_m25: when u told not to told i told o.kafter that why u r sending this type of massage
dipu_m25: don't take test of my patience

sister_soleil: in english, please?

dipu_m25: bye
dipu_m25: once u told don't send me massage i told o.k .then why again u r send such type of massages

sister_soleil: this is actually getting kind of funny. I'd like to see how many times you can say "bye" and then continue talking to me in a single day. I bet you'd hold the world record.

dipu_m25: by telling so u r hurting me too

sister_soleil: i dont give a fuck about hurting you! you're an imbecile!

dipu_m25: after this i don't want to talk u a single word

sister_soleil: then dont!

dipu_m25: still today i never used a slag against u but u r telling these things continously
dipu_m25: u r girl our culture teaches us to give respect to women

dipu_m25: not to embrass them

sister_soleil: do they teach you to be a spineless, internet-stalky jackass pussy too?
sister_soleil: or did you learn that on your own?

dipu_m25: if u r serious then i don't want to talk anymore but if u r doing all this for fun then we can cotinue talking
dipu_m25: otherwise it is better to stop our talking here
dipu_m25: i want u r opinion what u want

sister_soleil: i want you to stop talking to me immediately.

dipu_m25: o.k

sister_soleil: stop saying okay!


a few days later:

dipu_m25: heloo

sister_soleil: what on earth could you possibly want this time?

dipu_m25: don't want to talk to u
dipu_m25: whenever i feel bored i will talk to u
dipu_m25: whatever way u talk to me
dipu_m25: bcuz i love u

sister_soleil: will you knock it off? i dont want to talk to you!

dipu_m25: but i love u whether u love me /not
dipu_m25: u always quarelling with me

sister_soleil: you dont love me! you dont even know me!
sister_soleil: you continually say you are going to leave me alone and you never ever do.

dipu_m25: bcuz i love u

sister_soleil: i hate you with the firey burning passion of a thousand hells and I wish a slow, painful death upon you.

dipu_m25: the way u r teling nobody will not talk u again but still i am
dipu_m25: bcuz i love u
dipu_m25: patience is the pillar of success
dipu_m25: one day u will definitely tell i love u

sister_soleil: somehow I doubt that

dipu_m25: yes u will
dipu_m25: but i am confident

sister_soleil: people like you are why restraining orders were invented.

dipu_m25: if u have dedication u can win anything
dipu_m25: after all it is a gal's heart
dipu_m25: love and affection can change everything
dipu_m25: hate hate hate then only love starts

sister_soleil: okay listen to me very carefully: i do not like you, and my opinion of you gets lower with every word you say

dipu_m25: o.k

sister_soleil: there is no possible way i will ever not hate you
sister_soleil: so please stop talking to me.

dipu_m25: but i don't think so
dipu_m25: i will prove oneday that u loves me
dipu_m25: what u tell to me but u loves me
dipu_m25: i know it

sister_soleil: i do not loves you. i hates you.

dipu_m25: in some part of u r heart my name is there
dipu_m25: i will bring that to u r mouth one day
dipu_m25: u will tell me on that day that "i love u"
dipu_m25: more u hate me more i love u
dipu_m25: i love u
dipu_m25: but stillthen i love u
dipu_m25: i love u
dipu_m25: if i will die then u will definitely cry
dipu_m25: bcuz u loves me too much
dipu_m25: i know u loves me
dipu_m25: i too loves u too much
dipu_m25: i will coming to texas after one year
dipu_m25: i will make u to love me
dipu_m25: definitely u will love me
dipu_m25: it is my promise
dipu_m25: u will tell one day that u loves me
dipu_m25: i have to go to court
dipu_m25: my clients r waiting

sister_soleil: i hope they kill you

dipu_m25: don't tell them like that they were my customers sister_soleil: death to you all
dipu_m25: with there money we will maintain our family
dipu_m25: if they will die what we will feed to our childrens
dipu_m25: i want two babies one guy and one gal
dipu_m25: what u want?
dipu_m25: i love u
dipu_m25: i love u
dipu_m25: i love u i love u
dipu_m25: u should not
dipu_m25: bcuz i love u
dipu_m25: ha ha ha ha....
dipu_m25: really enjoying with my lover
dipu_m25: really u loves me
dipu_m25: i am 100%confident
dipu_m25: o.k
dipu_m25: i don't die bcuz i don'y want to make u cry
dipu_m25: bcuz i love u
dipu_m25: bye
dipu_m25: i have to go
dipu_m25: i am giving u a kiss on u r lips so that it will take away from boring
dipu_m25: u will think abt me still we meet again
dipu_m25: take my kiss on u r lips
dipu_m25: bye
dipu_m25: take care
dipu_m25: i lovevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
dipu_m25: :x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x
dipu_m25: darling i love u
dipu_m25: don't worry be happy
dipu_m25: i love u
dipu_m25: i love u
dipu_m25: i love u
dipu_m25: i love u

sister_soleil: okay Bobby McFerrin. I get the fucking picture. now shut up.

dipu_m25: darling
dipu_m25: u getting nude pic from others
dipu_m25: why u r sending that massge
dipu_m25: i have no effect by that
dipu_m25: i still loves u
dipu_m25: i want u r heart only
dipu_m25: u r heart is mine only mine
dipu_m25: nobody can stay inside that
dipu_m25: i will kick him out from u r heart

sister_soleil: what are you talking about?

dipu_m25: i am talking abt my love
dipu_m25: i mean u

sister_soleil: who are you kicking out of my heart? Bobby McFerrin? No one can cure me of my love for him.

dipu_m25: iwill kick him out oneday
dipu_m25: shame he is sending fucking pic to u
dipu_m25: i know u don't love bobby
dipu_m25: u want make me jealousy
dipu_m25: that means u loves me
dipu_m25: i love u darling too
dipu_m25: darling i love u


the next day

dipu_m25: i love u darling
dipu_m25: i love u

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

dipu_m25: u can keep saying no but i am here unil u tell yes yes
dipu_m25: u will soon

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

sister_soleil: okay, this has gone far enough. You can keep talking to me til the cows come home, but I am never saying another word to you ever again.

dipu_m25: how many times will u deny

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

dipu_m25: u wil say yes i try forever

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

dipu_m25: hey r u faid off
dipu_m25: i never want before to give u trobule but u r type of talking make me bound to do so
dipu_m25: little bit fire is there but u added oil to it
dipu_m25: now u have to put off the fire
dipu_m25: u never give me answar but still hen i will send u answar

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

dipu_m25: i am bach again

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

dipu_m25: hi baby
dipu_m25: bye baby

*dipu_m25 has invited sister_soleil to enable Voice Chat
sister_soleil has denied request

dipu_m25: u will meet tommorow
dipu_m25: o.k atlast u denied


a few days later... (added 11/6/02)

dipu_m25: hi darling
dipu_m25: darling there is a hot news i am coming next month to texas
dipu_m25: my comany infosis is sending me for one month training
dipu_m25: i want to meet you
dipu_m25: i want to meet u darling
dipu_m25: i love u darling
dipu_m25: what abt u r that mad friend who always sending u nude pic
dipu_m25: what is that guys name i just not able to recall his name
dipu_m25: i think his name is robert famince or like that some name
dipu_m25: i told u u will be mine one day
dipu_m25: how many days u will deny
dipu_m25: i will try this till i die
dipu_m25: prey god that i will die so that u will be trouble free
dipu_m25: r u thinking i am mad
dipu_m25: yes i am mad
dipu_m25: i am mad in u r love
dipu_m25: exam is ahead thats why i am not able to talk with u regularly
dipu_m25: once my exam is over we will talk
dipu_m25: u may talk /not but i will talk with u
dipu_m25: in my dreams and with u r pic
dipu_m25: bye see u some other day


a day after that... (added 11/6/02)

dipu_m25: hi darling
dipu_m25: love u darling
dipu_m25: missing u a lot
dipu_m25: oh darling we will meet very soon in texas
dipu_m25: give u r nunber sothat i can provide u a permission for meeting me inside infosis office
dipu_m25: i am going for a very short duration of one month so i want to spend all my leisure with u
dipu_m25: we will meet later on
dipu_m25: i will tell u later the exact date when i am going
dipu_m25: bye darling
dipu_m25: i love u
dipu_m25: just watch the screen a kiss for u on u r lips
dipu_m25: bye and take care


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