Siren's Christmas Bastard Follow-Up

I guess this is less of a follow-up than what it really is. Another excuse to bitch about my bastard step-nephew. If you didn't read about him in my last Christmas article, please do so before continuing.

Anyway, I was told recently by my step mother that Dustin's ex-step-father had broken the news to the little parasite that his Babe Ruth card, was in fact, a fake. My step mother seemed to regard this as a travesty. She believed that her sweet, innocent grandson had a right to go on believing that his precious Babe Ruth card was an original, printed in the friggin' 1920s or whenthehellever. I can imagine what probably happened. I'm fairly sure that the little beast was bragging to some other kids or his step father, even, about his stupid baseball card, and the guy, who also happens to be a bastard, told him it was a fake. Dustin then yelled "Nuh UH!!!" and burst into tears and ran to his toy-filled room and slammed the door and played Nintendo or Sega or something.

Another interesting tidbit that came up while I was talking to my step mother, is that a few months ago, Dustin got in trouble for calling 911 and telling them he saw a little boy fall in the water and he was drowning. Of course, it was "big kids" who "tricked" him into doing it, according to his grandmother. How the hell can you be tricked into doing that? You can be tricked into looking down at your shoes when someone tells you your shoelace is untied, but I don't think you can be tricked into calling 911 and making up some story about seeing a little kid drown. My stepmother said that it was because he didn't understand what 911 was. That's a crock. I remember when we got 911, and the city police came to all the schools every single year and talked about how 911 was not something to play with, how it was serious, and it was against the law to abuse it. Every single year, they came, until I was in high school. Every kid knows the rules of 911, including Dustin. The fact that he got off the hook because it was "big kids" who "made" him do it sickens me. This is why he's a hoodlum. This is why he's going to be in jail before his 21st birthday.

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