Jackoff OK's Haircut

CHICAGO, IL - Area website creator Siren was informed today that her haircut "doesn't look that bad" by a sidewalk loiterer whose name is unknown. The loiterer, to whom Siren often refers as "The Head Jackoff" or "Mr. Jackoff," is frequently seen standing on the sidewalk with friends two buildings down smoking and drinking from bottles which are hidden in paper bags. "I had just gone to the Speedmart for a Cherry Coke, when I heard someone yelling from down the street, 'did you cut your hair?!' I ignored the yelling until the Jackoff came over to my front gate and I realized he was talking to me," Siren said.

Siren reportedly got her haircut "about a month ago," and was desperately in need of confirmation that she had not made a horrible mistake. "I was hoping some big loser would give me his opinion on my hairstyle," Siren told sources, "I was beginning to worry that I looked like a big stupid idiot." She also commented that she sees the loiterer in question every few days, sometimes with a backwards baseball cap and sometimes with a bandana, and was surprised that he "made out like he hadn't seen [her] in months."

The loiterer who is best known for his ability to tolerate the lowest of temperatures sans shirt, was unavailable for comment, as he was working on his pickup truck in front of Siren's house.

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