I Used to Like That Before it Got Popular

by Seven

I used to like that song until everybody started listening to it."
"I had some shoes like those but then everybody started wearing them so I stopped."
"I used to freely admit to liking (thing), but when I realized that liking it might make me part of the mainstream, I promptly forced myself to cease liking (said thing) in an effort to make myself not be a poser but in actuality making me a bigger poser than the people who go around with (thing) all the time."

The definition of a poser to me is as follows: One who dresses, acts, talks, or does anything in a specific way that they would NOT normally do were it not for the influences of others. Uttering the words "I listened to that band before they got popular" makes one comply with this definition to its fullest extent. Why do they not understand this? My absolute favorite is those goth kids on talk shows. First and foremost: "real" goths don't go on talk shows; they have no reason to. The goths that go on talk shows want people to THINK they are real goths, and they love the opportunity to flaunt their gothiness to the rest of the world. "Marilyn Manson taught me how to be myself." Oh, clearly! That's why you look exactly like he does. Now, I'm not doubting Marilyn's ability to help one in the self-realization process. I've actually been a huge fan since the pre-sweet dreams days, and yes, in a small way he HAS helped me be myself. HOWEVER, I do feel it necessary go around wearing white face paint and black lipstick with a corset, spiked heels and leather collars with metal spikes just to show everyone how "myself" I am. (I also feel it necessary to point out the fact that I have nothing against people who do this, I actually think guys dressed like this are the sexiest things on earth, but if Marilyn is their sole purpose for looking this way, then no Backstreet-Boys-liking prep could ever compete in the poser department.)

I like Nsync. I like Britney Spears. A lot. And I refuse to pretend I don't just because liking them is so uncool. I used to listen to the New Kids on the Block, I've been known to sing along to Warrant, and I paid money to see Poison in concert a couple months back. (Money very well spent, by the way) I don't care if I get laughed at; I understand it comes with the territory. But give me 'being laughed at' over 'being a poser' any day of the week.

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