Satanism and Rock and Roll Go Hand in Hand


I was hanging out one day at the park, minding my own business, when I was accosted by a group of teenaged boys dressed like proper thugs. I was afraid they were going to steal my soda and maybe spit on my shoes, but instead, one of them (he was clearly the leader because he had a rat-tail) handed me this pamphlet and then proceeded to question me about whether or not I'd given my life to Jesus Christ. I took the pamphlet, smiled and nodded and attempted to walk away. Rat-Tail put his hand on my arm and kept right on telling me about The Lord Jesus Christ. He used words and phrases that are only used in church and continuously referred to God as The Lord. "Now, uhh...I don't know if you've turned your life over to The Lord yet, ma'am, but there's something here I want you to take home with you, and I want you to read it, okay? That's all I ask."

As I walked away, I looked down at the pamphlet in my hand and knew I was holding pure gold. The pamphlet's text is in black, my comments are in red. But you probably could have figured that out for yourselves.

"You expect me to believe that Rock groups are promoting Satanism? Isn't it just a gimmick to make money?" Judge for yourself! Motley Crue's song "In the Beginning" preaches, "Those who have the youth have the future, so come now, children of the beast, be strong and shout at the Devil." Wrong! Those who have God have the future, but those who have the Devil have no future at all.

I think "shouting" at the Devil wouldn't necessarily make the Devil very happy. Maybe they mean shouting as in, "Hey Devil! Get outta my way!"

AC/DC sings "Highway to Hell," plus "Hell's Bells,"--

Oh! So if a song has "Hell" in the title, it's automatically promoting Satanism! I get it now.

which says "I'm gonna take you to hell...Satan gotcha / If God's on the left, I'm on the right / If you're into evil, you're a friend of mine." That's a joke! Satan doesn't have the power to send anyone to Hell. God's condemned the Devil to Hell and anyone who is foolish enough to follow him.
Ozzy Osbourne blindly imagines that reincarnation is real, saying that in one of his previous lives he "lived as a servant of the Devil." That's bizarre!


It seems like he's already one of Satan's slaves right now. He implied as much when he said, "At first, all this Satanic business was funny...But it has become like a can't turn it off."

How does that imply that he's one of Satan's slaves? I would think he's talking about being accused of being a Satanist in that quote. Maybe if by "Satan" you mean "MTV."

King Diamond of Merciful Fate says, "Satanism isn't dangerous at's a sound life philosophy."--

Yeah, and whatever King Diamond says represents the philosophy of every single rock band on the planet.

Whereas KISS in "God of Thunder" reveals the truth, "I was raised by demons...The spell you're under will slowly rob you of your virgin soul...and I command you to kneel before the god of thunder and rock and roll." That's absurd! ---

...but you just said it was the truth!

Why would anyone want to do that? No one who has ever lived for the Devil has ended their life happy!
Iron Maiden admits that their albums are "forged in the fires of hell" and have songs entitled "Children of the Damned" and "The Number of the Beast." Some of Grim Reaper's--


songs are "Burn in Hell" and "See You in Hell," ...but they are not going to see ME in Hell. Because of Jesus, I'm going to Heaven. Venom's album "Welcome to Hell" --

More songs with "Hell" in the titles! These bands must all be stopped! Kill them all!

states, "We're possessed by all that is evil. The death of you God, we demand. We...sit at Lord Satan's left hand."
Now why would they say that if it wasn't a major issue? It is! Because Satan is committed to deceiving people, he is going to be tortured in Hell forever, and so are those who follow his errand-boys. "Satan promises the best, and pays the worst; he promises profit, and pays with loss; he promises life, and pays with death."
The Bible admits that sin is fun for awhile, but after that comes endless pain. Don't be deceived by Rock groups who have sold out to the Devil, or are unconsciously being used as pawns in his hands. The awesome God, who created the Universe will one day destroy all that is evil. He alone can fulfill your needs. If it's power you want, why don't you open your life to Jesus and let Him release you from the second rate power of the Devil. If you ask Him to, He'll do it right now!

Just have a major credit card ready and call this toll free number!




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