Day 2

Nauman and I are having the time of our lives. We've walked around the streets of New York almost non-stop, so our feet are hurting. Nauman's bank account is hurting as well, but that's a whole other headache. He was mugged on our way out of the airport, so we've decided to sleep under bridges.

Day 3

Things are looking up. While begging for change at a street corner, Nauman witnessed an car accident involving a rich old man and his wife. No one else was around, so we stole their ID's and credit cards and had ourselves a shopping spree. We've decided to extend our stay an extra week

Day 8

Nauman was busted using the stolen credit cards and was hauled off to jail. He decided the gentlemanly thing to do was to take all the blame, so I am now riding back home to Texas alone in the back of a railroad car. People do this in the movies do it all the time, but the characters never seem to notice how bad these things smell.

Note to self: have affair with someone who works for airline so this will never, never happen again.

The following is a transcript of a (real life)
chat session between Se7ven and Nauman:

nauman0410: hi ....

raine_chaser: hello

nauman0410: where r u from last couple of days...
nauman0410: do u have some time ....

raine_chaser: yes, but i might be running around a bit

nauman0410: I saw ur picture last day on net

raine_chaser: oh yeah, i remember

nauman0410: do u have another piture ....

raine_chaser: no, sorry

nauman0410: can u send me some interesting material ...
nauman0410: which is entertaing for me .,..

raine_chaser: have you seen my webpage? It's entertaining

nauman0410: i ask something u ... did u do this for me...

raine_chaser: what?

nauman0410: can u send me some interesting material ...

raine_chaser: like what?

nauman0410: which is entertaing for me .,..

raine_chaser: i dont understand what you mean

nauman0410: like entertaing for a young man

raine_chaser: you mean porn?

nauman0410: some Internet Stuff.,,,

raine_chaser: i dont have any pictures of ME, i can get you pictures of OTHER people...

nauman0410: what u like ...

raine_chaser: let me find some...

nauman0410: on my email address....

raine_chaser: uhm... okay. wait a minute

nauman0410: r u here....................

raine_chaser: you want just girls, or girls and guys together?

nauman0410: yours favorite which u like ....
nauman0410: can i find about u on your WEB ..... if yes where ...

raine_chaser: i dont have anything about me on the web, but i will mail you some pictures

nauman0410: ur responce is very slow r u busy wome where else..?

raine_chaser: i am mailing you pictures

nauman0410: now... can i wait for mail ..... r u sending now...

raine_chaser: yes

nauman0410: i ask about me ... did u see me ,,,, on WEB

raine_chaser: yes, i saw your picture

nauman0410: and My album ,,,,
nauman0410: r u finished from mail ....
nauman0410: can i check my mail ....

raine_chaser: hang on a second!

nauman0410: what time is in USA...

raine_chaser: 3 am raine_chaser: do you date guys?

nauman0410: i dont Understand... clear it ...

raine_chaser: do you have sex with men, or only women?

nauman0410: i like sex with women....
nauman0410: but i never do practical sex with any one....

raine_chaser: do you have non-practical sex?
raine_chaser: what do you mean?

nauman0410: only see movies, pictures etc....
nauman0410: i know a lot ,, but not do ... because i am not married....
nauman0410: sex is not open here ... only alloed to do after married...

raine_chaser: man, you need to get the hell over to america. They have sex all over the place here.

nauman0410: oh not...
nauman0410: i fonnd ur mail ...
nauman0410: where u got these picture ...

raine_chaser: from a dirty website

nauman0410: both ladies r very smart and sexy ....
nauman0410: give address,,,


nauman0410: did u do sex before...

raine_chaser: yes

nauman0410: did u remeber how manytimes... Y enjoy it...

raine_chaser: lots of times.
raine_chaser: lots of enjoy.

nauman0410: how do u feel can u tell me some ...
nauman0410: may i ask u one question .....

raine_chaser: okay

nauman0410: I will visit Canada in July , can i meet u ...

raine_chaser: no, i don't think that would be a good idea.
raine_chaser: and canada is very far from here

nauman0410: so u dont...
nauman0410: i think today u r free,,..

raine_chaser: i dont what? raine_chaser: i am free...
raine_chaser: this is america

nauman0410: i know USA...

raine_chaser: what do you mean by free?

nauman0410: can u like to conference ,,,

raine_chaser: What?! conference sex, or conference online?!
raine_chaser: No, I don't have conference sex