Background information: There is an Old 97s song called "Designs on you" and one line in the song goes "Trying to do right by you all night, Annette." I registered the name "all_night_annette" with Yahoo! because I thought it was a funny line when taken out of context.

smittyattex2002: 'can you realy go all night

all_night_annette: something tells me you're about to claim you can.

smittyattex2002: sure can'
smittyattex2002: a young virale man like myself

all_night_annette: well, good luck with that

smittyattex2002: with what

all_night_annette: ...
all_night_annette: with going all night

smittyattex2002: i want to go all night with you

all_night_annette: how do you know? i could be a 400lb. abba-loving pedophile in disguise

smittyattex2002: yea true but the pic in your profile shows diferent

smittyattex2002: ok i thoght i saw a different pick soory

all_night_annette: yeah, the picture in the profile says i'm a bucktoothed yokel

smittyattex2002: so what do you look like and don't lie
smittyattex2002: well got to go caht later

all_night_annette: i look just like that picture you saw
all_night_annette: will that get you off my back?

smittyattex2002: are you sure lets meet and let me make the de3cisio
smittyattex2002: ok bye the

all_night_annette: hmm let me think about that one NO.

smittyattex2002: thought it was woeth a try
smittyattex2002: why not
smittyattex2002: well im gone now see ya
smittyattex2002: ok miss rude see ya


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