Background information: There is an Old 97s song called "Designs on you" and one line in the song goes "Trying to do right by you all night, Annette." I registered the name "all_night_annette" with Yahoo! because I thought it was a funny line when taken out of context.

subbareddy_reddy: hi iam sreddy from india(male)@};- may chat with u?

all_night_annette: its a free country
all_night_annette: oh wait, no, maybe it isnt
all_night_annette: ba dum CHHH!

subbareddy_reddy: hello
subbareddy_reddy: what

all_night_annette: nevermind
all_night_annette: why does your profile say you're "single, not looking" and also "i am looking for a wife"?

subbareddy_reddy: thanku

all_night_annette: um... you're welcome...?

subbareddy_reddy: iam mam
subbareddy_reddy: ok

all_night_annette: i am severely confused

subbareddy_reddy: what
subbareddy_reddy: iam male looking for wife

all_night_annette: we already covered that, but thanks for reminding me

subbareddy_reddy: ok
subbareddy_reddy: are u male or female?

all_night_annette: most people can figure that out from my name.
all_night_annette: I am a female.

subbareddy_reddy: ok
subbareddy_reddy: age?

all_night_annette: 23

subbareddy_reddy: fine iam 25

all_night_annette: wow, we almost have something in common

subbareddy_reddy: so we are friens
subbareddy_reddy: friends

all_night_annette: we are?

subbareddy_reddy: yes
subbareddy_reddy: from now onwards we are friends

all_night_annette: oh goodie. i can hardly wait

subbareddy_reddy: why

all_night_annette: listen, friend, this has been great but i have work to do

subbareddy_reddy: ok
subbareddy_reddy: so u are telling bye

all_night_annette: yes sir. i am telling bye

all_night_annette: bye

subbareddy_reddy: bye


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