aa_a13: heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
aa_a13: :(

raine_chaser: who's this?

aa_a13: itz miiiiiiiiii
aa_a13: u forgohhhhhh
aa_a13: wHa The heL

raine_chaser: is that english?

aa_a13: u betta put yo act 2gethr abou pakiz
aa_a13: :(
aa_a13: yez
aa_a13: it iz
aa_a13: u need ta learn englash

raine_chaser: i know, i'm working on it...

aa_a13: i lub ya

raine_chaser: you dont lub me, you just lub my doggie style

aa_a13: HAHAHA :D
aa_a13: yesh
aa_a13: can wi bi frndz?
aa_a13: :(

raine_chaser: um, i don't know. I think you and I are from different sides of the typo tracks

aa_a13: sooooo
aa_a13: :(
aa_a13: i stil lub ya

raine_chaser: if you say so

aa_a13: talkkkkkkk
aa_a13: :(

raine_chaser: how many k's could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck k's?

aa_a13: only 4hundrd n 4otry 4our
aa_a13: :(

raine_chaser: yeah, see--that's definitely not english

aa_a13: dewwwwudeeeee
aa_a13: :(
aa_a13: i lub ya
aa_a13: wil u mary mi?
aa_a13: i wil cum to texaz

raine_chaser: sure! let's elope.

aa_a13: coooooooo
aa_a13: i think i bi in lub wit ya

raine_chaser: uh... i have to go

aa_a13: yoooooooooo
aa_a13: :-B LQQk at mi

raine_chaser: i'm looking at you

aa_a13: thn giv mi a kisyyyyyyy

raine_chaser: no thanks.

aa_a13: yooooo
aa_a13: y nottttttttt:-B

raine_chaser: (i think that should be obvious)

aa_a13: u think rongggggg
aa_a13: dewwwwwwudeeeeeeeee
aa_a13: :(
aa_a13: :))
aa_a13: :((

raine_chaser: yeah... i really have to go. temptation island is on in 5 minutes

aa_a13: yooooooooo
aa_a13: fyne
aa_a13: wi can make our own temptation island

raine_chaser: no, we can't. bye.

aa_a13: fyne bi tha way
aa_a13: buy
aa_a13: i lub u re,memba
aa_a13: tha


aa_a13: hi
aa_a13: dewwwwudeeeee

raine_chaser: you again?!

*aa_a13 has invited raine_chaser to enable Voice Chat
*raine_chaser has denied request

aa_a13: YES
aa_a13: i lub ya
aa_a13: :D

raine_chaser: what the hell do you want? i'm busy!

*aa_a13 has invited raine_chaser to enable Voice Chat
*raine_chaser has denied request

aa_a13: dewwwudeeeee so r sayign you dont wana talk to me?

raine_chaser: yes, that's precisely what i'm "sayign"

*aa_a13 has invited raine_chaser to enable Voice Chat
*raine_chaser has denied request

*aa_a13 has invited raine_chaser to enable Voice Chat
*raine_chaser has denied request

aa_a13: cooo i don undetsnd englash
aa_a13: so hwo u bi doin
aa_a13: bi nace wit mi

raine_chaser: what?!
raine_chaser: you are infuriating! i dont understand a word you're saying!

*aa_a13 has invited raine_chaser to enable Voice Chat
*raine_chaser has denied request

aa_a13: cauz u need ta lern englash
aa_a13: ok mary mi

*aa_a13 has invited raine_chaser to enable Voice Chat
*raine_chaser has denied request

raine_chaser: Will you stop fucking inviting me to Voice Chat? The last 50 times I clicked "no" should clue you in to the fact that I do not wish to Voice Chat with you

*aa_a13 has invited raine_chaser to enable Voice Chat
*raine_chaser has denied request

aa_a13: dewwwwwudeeeee
aa_a13: so whaat

*Yahoo chat now has "IMvironments," which allow users to select a background for their chat window.
The tiny little hearts (see above) rain down from the top of the window.

raine_chaser: what are all these hearts for?!

aa_a13: itz our luv relationship being falin frm skiez
aa_a13: :X

raine_chaser: what?!

*aa_a13 has invited raine_chaser to enable Voice Chat
*raine_chaser has denied request

aa_a13: it meanz wi r in lub with each otha
aa_a13: :D
aa_a13: wil u bi mah frend
aa_a13: dewudeeeee

*aa_a13 has invited raine_chaser to enable Voice Chat
*raine_chaser has denied request

*aa_a13 has invited raine_chaser to enable Voice Chat
*raine_chaser has denied request

raine_chaser: no! no no no no!

aa_a13: :)
aa_a13: y nottttt
aa_a13: i bi coo
aa_a13: :P
aa_a13: :)
aa_a13: i noe noe u r in lub wit mi
aa_a13: meowwwww

*aa_a13 has invited raine_chaser to enable Voice Chat
*raine_chaser has denied request

aa_a13: :X
aa_a13: :D
aa_a13: :-B giv mi kisy
aa_a13: i bi opening mah lippyz
aa_a13: giv mi kisy

raine_chaser: i hate you. i wish you were dead

aa_a13: lol
aa_a13: yooooo
aa_a13: :X

*aa_a13 has invited raine_chaser to enable Voice Chat
*raine_chaser has denied request

raine_chaser: i hate you with the firey burning passion of a thousand hells and if I werent going to make fun of you on my website, I wouldn't even be talking to you anymore

aa_a13: yo if u hate mi tha much
aa_a13: fyne

*aa_a13 has invited raine_chaser to enable Voice Chat
*raine_chaser has denied request

aa_a13: i leave u alone
aa_a13: bye

raine_chaser: so long, sucker

*aa_a13 has invited raine_chaser to enable Voice Chat
*raine_chaser has denied request

*aa_a13 has invited raine_chaser to enable Voice Chat
*raine_chaser has denied request


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