Crudely drawn adventuresconversations with idiots

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Pittsburgh-4/17/01 (OUR FIRST REVIEW! Whoo hoo!) Courtesy of Maisy101

Being as I'd only recently gotten into the Old 97's, when I heard they were coming, I actually fought with the decision of whether of not to go (can you believe that?!) Nonetheless, I came very unprepared. It all began with the fabulous Honeydogs, who weren't getting proper respect because no one was properly drunk quite yet. They were something special.

I become lucky enough to get up right at the stage, center, two inches from whoever might be singing that night. It just so happened to be my love of loves, Rhett Miller. Of course, he wasn't my love of loves until after the show. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I was not entirely familiar with the music yet, but jesus h. christ... the passion that man draws from his larynx blows me away. What would normally be a smooth, bumpless ride turns into a ripping, bloody tornado in which you worry if his veins will pop. His eyes shut, his feet stop, his hips shake in a manner that would make Elvis Presley blush.

Personal highlights would have to be the stupid girl next to me spilling her beer on Rhett's shoes-which was hysterical, or perhaps when he sang "Do you wanna be my girl?" and I cried "YES!". And he grinned. I was grinned at by Rhett Miller! Ahh!

Afterwards, as I was wandering around... who did I spot? Oh good lord, it's Murry and Phillip! Stunned was I, but I managed to wander over... meet another 13 year old and have a chat with Phillip, who tried to steal my pen. I was thrilled, but I was being forced to leave before meeting my love.

My pop is dragging me by the ear, yelping about school nights while I'm bemoaning that I didn't see Rhett. Until I look across from me. IT'S RHETT MILLER! I leap over to him, which catches his eye. He gets this look on his face of terror while I scream "I love you Rhett!" What does he say? "I feel like a rock star".

Oh I was charmed beyond belief, and I made off with a picture, an autograph (that spelled my name correctly), a HUG and a promise to myself that I would never EVER wash that shirt again. I broke it the next week, but whatever. The bottom line is that is was a bona fide religious experience and I will wait forever and ever until they come back.